Thursday, October 7, 2010

From Inception to Demise

The first not so light post on my blog....
I find that I am using this blog thing more as my diary, with a difference of it being publicly available....Nice thing about blogs...I am already starting to like it...Who cares if people read it or not, so far as I can vent out my feelings..Hmmm?

Anyways, back to the topic,lets start explaining the weird title now...

The greatest hit of this year,no doubt, is Inception...Nice job Leonardo and Nolan....Vey nicely portrayed..A gripping movie..... Amongst its other attractions, a concept put forth in the movie caught my attention...It was the concept of how a small,insignifacnt idea can turn around the entire life of a person and thereby affecting many others...How a simple idea plagues the mind of a person and makes him obsessed about it..How easily an idea can transform someone liberal and innocent to radical and vicious..

In the recent past our great hypocritic country has seen a huge upsurge in sepratist ideologies.Who preaches them, who gives them the push, who lights that spark, I am not sure....nor is that the subject of this post...but what I want to question is how that spark eventually incinerates an entire generation,how it leads a great civilisation to ruin...

This spark is the inception of the idea...of the seperatist radical ideology.Once planted this virus the minds of innocent victims and shadows their rationale...Not being judgemental, these fanatics may have had their own logical reasons for supporting and preaching whatever they support and preach,but nonetheless,speaking from India's perspective and thinking about India's well-being, these ideologies that are crowding the air-space these days are not good for its health.THe inception of such radical opinions, is gonna lead to demise of a great country.

The Indian freedom struggle's culmination is a classic example of such a demise!! The radical idea of a seperate state of Pakistan, right from its inception worked towards destroying the lives of millions and eventually succeeded in splitting such a huge nation!! The combined force of a million people and their leaders could do nothing against this idea.

Today our country is going in the same direction.Mumbai is for Marathis, Tamils wont speak Hindi, North Indians suck, such sentiments are already being ingrained in the heart of the youth for petty political motives...The day is not far when the identity of an Indian will cease to exist...
It will be a classic example of how the inception of an anti social idea can lead to the eventual demise of an entire generation, an entire civilisation....

Thanx to Cricket we are still united..I hope the game continues to exert the same sentiments forever..Jai Sri Krishna!

(Bahut gas ho gayi yaar..ab aur nahi type karte banta..dimag ka dahi ho gaya!! :P )

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