Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I hate Moral Policing!!!!!!!!!!!

To the extremely hypocrite, hopelessly mundane and insufferably bigheaded moral polizei I would like to say go to hell!! It’s high time someone declared an open war against these self proclaimed saints who think every second not whined is a second wasted.

The censor board and the ministry of information and Broadcasting announced recently that the airing time of programs such as Big boss and Rakhi ka Insaf needs to be changed..Now this seems to me a very China-ish move. The Indian junta loves controversy, it loves Rakhi Sawant, it loves the kind of language or indecency being dished out by shows such as big boss and roadies; but suddenly there come few weirdoes, who, despite having enjoyed the shows’ high entertainment value last night, today decide to justify their salaries or their image by voicing opinions against them. What hypocrisy!! Now why deny the people a treat of what they desire to watch?!

I can go on and on,on this topic…loads to talk about- fatwas, Bajrang dals, MNS,Shiv Sena, Waqf board and what not!!! But then I am not in mood to do any chidings right now…Some other time…But I’ll make it clear to you people who belong to/support the above mentioned factions that I hate you and your moral are no one to decide what’s wrong..GO suck!!